Judith Klawitter Originals

I am pleased to announce that Judith Klawitter, the renowned sculptor, artist and teacher, will be doing an on-going column for Doll Crafter. She will bring expertise, encouragement and her lovely personality to you, the readers. She graciously offered to critique the work of artists who are seeking to improve their art. This is for beginners and anyone who would welcome this objective critique. We welcome you Judith!  -Editor

It is surprising how even the smallest of details can make the difference between a nice sculpture/doll and a fabulous creation.

     - excerpt from Sculpting Tips, Techniques & Critiques 
by Judith Klawitter

Doll Crafter Magazine
December 2004




The 3/5 rule: Use color and texture in odd numbers around the whole sculpture/doll to create "visual balance."

 - excerpt from Sculpting Tips, Techniques & Critiques 
by Judith Klawitter

Doll Crafter Magazine
December 2004


Address correspondence to 
Judith Klawitter
 7703 N Mt Carrol St, 
Dalton Gardens, ID 83815-9539

  "Anatomy of Age" sculpting and finishing videos and tool kits 
may be ordered at www.jklawitter.com or 
call Judith at 208-772-2200, 9-5 pm Pacific Time. 

Ask about my
new make-up video which includes "how-to" examples for Black and Ethnic Santas.

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